Look nothing different from before~except taste!!!
Tofu Moose Cream :
1 water tofu
8 spoons of Milo powder(don't have chocolate powder)
3 spoons of cacao powder
2 spoons of vanilla essence(suggest 1 spoon)
6 spoons of sugar(sry! i'm too high! Crazy me! suggest 2 or 3 spoons)
Sign...... I put too much sugar........ Although i change sugar syrup to sugar, but the moose cream is still watery(not watery as the last product). Hmm...... What is the problem????? Anyway thanks to jovi! He gave me some suggestion on Tuesday before the exam, maybe because of this, i got the mood of making this again~ Thank You!Thank You! \(^O^)/
Going to give my friend to try this tomorrow~~~~